
Talk to Astrologer Live for Instant Astrology Prediction Online


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InstaAstro is India's best online Spirituality Consultation platform. InstaAstro platform is a marketplace for Astrologers, Spiritual guides and Life Coaches. The users connect to Astrologers via apps that are present on both google play store as well as iOS AppStore. Users can choose to connect to Astrologers via Phone or via Chat. There are some more features that can help users to predict their future like Kundli and Matchmaking.


Instaastro uses large tech stack which makes it run fast and robust.

Its backend platform is built on Python/Django. We have used Mysql to store data and for restful APIs we have used Django DRF.

Initially the application was being changed rapidly so from day one, we built the CI/CD pipeline using GitLab so that as soon as we commit the code, it is deployed after lint check and testing.

There are two applications one is used by Users and the second one is used by Astrologers or Tarot Card Readers, Both applications have been built on React native Framework. There was a challenge to release the application fast, we initially released the applications manually but we realized that it is a time-consuming process so we have set up Fastlane for automated release which releases applications with no time.

Instaastro has a very large user base so we need maximum uptime with no latencies. For this, we have set up the Server Infrastructure using Kubernetes so that the application can be scalable as much as it is needed, The other thing we wanted to achieve was having automatic deployments with no manual setup of EC2 Instances, S3 buckets, IAM, Load Balancer, VPC and a bunch of other AWS services that we were planning to use for the project. We chose to use Terraform for creating Infrastructure which could be represented completely using Code, also known as IaaC. This allowed us to incrementally make changes to our infrastructure without breaking out existing Infrastructure as we could review the changes to the Infrastructure before deployments.

We have setup the load testing environment with Locust to test the load which can be handled by the Infrastructure. with the help of Kubernetes we have successfully built the strong Infrastructure.

We have created multiple services for blogs and websites or Rest APIs, Metabase etc.

For Reporting system, we have enabled Metabase to get the reports from the database which uses the Read replica of the database. It does not degrade the performance of the database as well as the application.

For Blogs, we have created WordPress services which can be easily used by the Instaastro Support Team.

There is a chat feature that is built on Firebase Cloud Storage to provide a real-time environment.

Web Images

Landing Page
Astrologers View
Single Astrologer
Login Screen
Sign Up Screen
Kundli making
Birth Details
Chart Details
Nakshatra details
More Charts
General Details
Manglik Details
Match making form
Match Making
Single Blog

Android Images

Home Screen
Astrologer Screen
Chat Intake Form
Chat Screen
Astrologer Review Screen
Horoscope Screen
Free Features Screen
Kundli Form
Kundli Free Details Screen
Kundli Chart Screen
Kundli Planets Screen
Dasha Screen
Manglik Screen
Numerology Screen
Match Making Form Screen
Match Making Basic Details
Astakoot Details
Dashakoot details
Match making Manglik Screen
Blogs Screen
Single Blog Screen
Wallet recharge Screen
Live Sessions