APT Portfolio

RMS and Controller backend is a suite of tools for high frequency


springboot springboot springboot


APT Portfolio: RMS and Controller backend

RMS and Controller backend is a suite of tools for high frequency trading, with backend built using python / tornado as backend and mongodb as NoSQL datastore. The frontend is built using VueJS with Vuetify for components. The frontend communicates to Tornado backend using WebSocket over custom JSON protocol and backend communicates to RMS and Controller Trading servers running trading Strategies using TCP sockets. The use of Tornado was an active design choice due to async requirement due to high network IO.


  • Fullstack development on python / Tornado with mongodb as backend and vuejs for frontend development.
  • Used python marshmallow, python data classes and webargs to create model schema and for converting complex data types into python native data type form and validation of Schema.
  • Google Protobuf is used to serialize and deserialize structured data in asynchronous networking.
  • Skills & Tools: Tornado Web framework, Python, MongoDB with pymotor, Docker, Git, Gitlab CI/CD, VueJS, Vuetify, VueX, Plotly, WebSockets, Python Networking using Sockets

Web Images

Controller UI 1
Controller UI 2